Suzy Balliet Bongo Burnham Solar Dome , Larimer County N. Lyons
A small but complex project is currently under construction about 5 miles north of Lyons, Colorado near scenic Little Thompson River valley.
The owner requested that the construction be totally self sufficient and non-toxic “green” architecture. The design process resulted in a dome structure and complete solar system for passive heating and Photovoltaics because of its remote location.
The house is designed to blend in with the large rock outcroppings found on their land. The steep south facing site is integrated as a procession of ramps and stairs allowing free movement from level to level.
The kinesthetic sequence of spaces is designed to stimulate the sensory development of young children as part of Mrs. Burnam's home-based occupational therapy clinic.
The Dome is acoustically tuned for Mr. Burnam's home drum recordings.
Local buff sand stone, and colored stucco are employed to camouflage the house.
PHOTOS: Click on the thumbnail below to enlarge.
Owners: Suzi Balliett and “Bongo Bob” Burnam
Project Architects: Niccolo Casewit with Bob and Suzy's transformations.
Completion Date: Nov 1993 Phase I, June 2001 Phase II
Remarks: Owner-Built, Design Build
Project Reference: Bob Burnam, Colorado, Lyons
Project Statistics: A total of 2,600 GSF is completed, planned, or underway.