Durango Carvon Mixed Use

Carvon Development Proposal, Durango Mall HWY 550/160, Durango, Colorado

Niccolo Casewit: Principal, Development Architect/ Master Planner Environmental Productions, LLC with Bechtholt Engineering (Civil)

Since 1998 Niccolo Casewit has worked closely with the Richard Carleno and the Von Feldt families of Durango to realize a conceptual master plan for the 70-acre site located along the Animas River two miles south of Durango's historic main street.  As with most resort communities, housing, recreation, and multi-modal transportation are priorities for Durango inhabitants and visitors.  The development calls for housing, mixed-use retail, commercial offices, and even some light industrial to be integrated with a new outdoor style pedestrian mall.   In 1999 and 2003 I presented land use proposals, conceptual plans, and subdivision plans to the City.  We recently finalized road options, bicycle paths, and pedestrian bridges with the Durango Planning, Engineering, and Recreation Departments.  With CDOT, GOCO, and Trails 2000, we facilitated the creation of a 1 mile-long bike trail and conservation easement along the old railway bed following the Animas River.

PHOTOS: Click on the thumbnail below to enlarge.


Owner/Developer: Richard Carleno, Carvon Development L.L.C.

Contractor: N/A

Planning: Niccolo W. Casewit A.I.A.

Civil Engineering: Bechtholt Engineering, Durango

Project Team: Niccolo W. Casewit, A.I.A. Kenny LaGreca P.E., Arch. Tam Vo, Jeff Rodd EIT

Remarks: Mixed Use Urban Infill

Project References:

Owners: Richard Carleno, Owner Representative, Carvon Developmen tHerb VonFeldt, Principal

Project Statistics: 70 Acre Site, 300 housing units, 150 Room Hotel, and  300,000 GSF Commercial Retail.   

Our Office is centrally located at:
355 Lowell Blvd.
Denver, Colorado 80219 U.S.A.

Phone: 303-935-0277
Email: Niccolo@environmentalproductions.com